Leading cloth nappy retailer calls on councils to promote cloth nappy use
UK (PRWEB UK) 21 June 2013
The topic of waste collection made the headlines again this month with the news, published in the Daily Mail on 7th June, of a family being denied a big enough bin, because they don’t use cloth nappies. In response, Paul O’Neill, director of The Clean Green Nappy Machine, said that while the company didn’t believe that people should be told which kind of nappies to use, if users were made more aware of the benefits of using cloth nappies, and helped to recycle more of their waste, we would see fewer stories like this.
“We believe that a significant amount of landfill can be easily reduced by councils educating their residents, and offering incentive schemes for cloth nappy use,” said Mr O’Neill.
According to the company, one baby will cause 1.76 tonnes of nappy waste to go into landfill, and as councils pay £72 per tonne for landfill tax, this alone costs councils over £125 for each baby. This is before factoring in manpower, land and transport costs.
Mr O’Neill stated, “We understand that councils are under pressure to reduce costs, and while a small proportion of councils do offer schemes incentivising cloth nappy use, unfortunately many of these are being cut. It saddens us that this is going to cause substantial long-term environmental damage, as well as costing councils so much more. A typical cloth nappy incentive scheme, for instance, gives a voucher of £25-60, which is nothing compared to the cost of putting disposables in the ground.”
Company co-director, Esma Levendoglu, is launching an initiative to engage with councils and believes that although a lot of parents are wary of using cloth nappies, if the facts were made available to them there would be a far greater uptake. “And there is no better way of doing this than through councils – who can reach out to their residents effectively. The benefit to them of course, is that they cut costs as well as reaching increasingly stringent waste targets.”
“While we understand that real nappies don’t suit everyone, we are also aware of a lot of misinformation being spread – such as in last week’s article, which quoted cloth nappies as being an expensive option, when in fact they have been proved to help save up to £1200 per baby. When people are given the facts it is so much clearer, and that’s why we really want to work with councils to help them help their residents,” said Ms Levendoglu.
“Councils save money, parents save money, and both are doing the environmentally responsible thing – we just think it’s a no-brainer.”
The Clean Green Nappy Machine is one of the best-known and most-trusted online real nappy retailers in the UK, and also runs the only specialist cloth nappy bricks and mortar shop, which opened in 2009. For more information, please visit their website http://www.cleangreennappy.co.uk, or their Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/cleangreennappymachine.
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