Solar Panel Company Spirit Solar Assertively Target British Consumers to Promote the Generation of Income from Renewable Energy

Solar Panel Company Spirit Solar Assertively Target British Consumers to Promote the Generation of Income from Renewable Energy

Helping UK householders to generate a household income

(PRWEB UK) 1 September 2011

With recent wholesale gas and electricity generation price hikes hitting the international markets hard, and grim predictions about further price rises, UK photovoltaic solar panel installers Spirit Solar have recently increased efforts to reach out to UK consumers, publicising the benefits of the government’s feed-in tariff scheme.

Spirit Solar, which services the commercial and domestic markets throughout the UK and in Spain, is Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) accredited and as such any solar PV systems installed by the company qualify for the feed-in tariff scheme. With the cost of installing solar PV systems substantially reduced in recent years, the company is forging ahead with its plans to effectively market and advertise the benefits of switching to a long-term sustainable and cost-effective means of energy generation.

Spirit Solar Directors believe that in the past, consumers have not been made aware of the considerable financial opportunities that can be gained by installing solar PV systems,

“Every few weeks we are reading new stories about the latest price increase as a result of the UK’s exposure to international gas and commodity prices. There has never been a more relevant time to invest in assertively publicising our viable alternative – we firmly believe that UK consumers have a right to be comprehensively informed of just how reliable and beneficial our solar PV systems can be, and how the profits they can make from these products will actually rise with inflation for the next 25 years. A 2 day installation process and a modest initial investment could see households earning themselves thousands of pounds tax-free over a number of years – it’s a win-win situation.”

How Solar Photovoltaic Panels Earn Energy Consumers Money

Typically, a 2.7kWp solar photovoltaic (solar PV) system – which uses sunlight to generate a direct current, which is then inverted to alternating current – can generate around 50% of the electricity used by an average UK household each year. This saves around 1.2 tonnes of CO2 emissions per household annually. But with price hikes now plaguing the mainstream energy industry, Spirit Solar are now seeking to publicise not only the year-on-year energy bill savings of converting to solar PV systems, but also the way in which consumers can earn an income from their system.

The UK’s Energy Trust now estimates that through a feed-in tariff – where the household effectively earns money from the energy that it generates – the same 2.7kWp solar PV system could generate up to £1100 per household per year. This may be considerably more in coastal and southern areas where annual daylight hours and sunshine levels are higher.

There is, however, an incentive for UK householders to install the solar PV systems before April 2012; once signed up to generate energy via the solar PV system, the feed-in tariff of up to 43.3p (index linked) per kWh generated is locked for 25 years until 2035. Under a ‘home generation contract’ with their energy company, solar PV system users are entitled to a generation tariff, meaning that an income is earned regardless of whether the electricity generated is used, or sold back to the grid. After April 2012, the feed-in tariff rate will reduce by 9% to 39.4p per kWh generated every year until 2037.

Find out more about Solar PV systems and feed-in tariffs at

About Spirit Solar

Reading-based Spirit Solar Ltd are qualified specialists and installers of Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MSC) accredited solar PV systems, operating within both the UK and Spanish domestic and commercial markets. Fully insured and guaranteed, Spirit Solar installers work closely with qualified structural engineers to ensure compliance with Building Regulations and offer a 10-year guarantee backed by the Independent Warranty Association (IWA).


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